Cody Hess
Standing Up For Education
As a proud advocate for education, I believe that strong schools are the foundation of a thriving community. In Plumas Lake, our schools play a pivotal role in providing the opportunities our families need to grow and succeed. As your board member, I am dedicated to ensuring that our district meets the needs of all students while addressing the challenges of rapid community growth and the need for new facilities.
With a Master’s in Public Administration, I understand the importance of fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in managing public resources. My time on the board has been focused on making sure every decision reflects the needs of our community while upholding high standards for equitable education. I will continue to prioritize clear communication and ensure all voices are considered in decision-making.
I firmly believe that Plumas Lake has a bright future, and our schools are key to that future. As your school board representative, I will continue working to enhance educational opportunities, promote safe and inclusive environments, and advocate for the resources our growing community needs to thrive.